Routes to Market
Scottish Government - Technology Peripherals and Infrastructure
This framework agreement is a re-let of the previous IT Peripherals framework and is for the provision of General Peripherals, Audio-Visual; Print; and Networking equipment. The new multi-lot Technology Peripherals and Infrastructure framework has been expanded to include Servers and Storage.
Scottish Government – Software
The key aim of the Software VAR framework is to provide Scottish public sector and third sector bodies (framework public bodies) with a one-stop access to a commercial support. This is a single supplier collaborative framework for commercial off-the-shelf software and supporting services.
Technology Products & Associated Services "TePAS2" - RM6098
Crown Commercial Service (CCS) has put in place a Pan Government Collaborative Agreement for the provision of Technology Products and Associated Services to be utilised by Central Government Departments and all other UK Public Sector Bodies, including Local Authorities, Health, Police, Fire and Rescue, Education, Third Sector and Devolved Administrations.
Technology Services 3 RM6100
Technology Services 3 is the next iteration of the successful Technology Services 2 framework. It will continue to cover traditional Information and Communication Technology (ICT) services, from strategy through to transition and operational deployment.
Technology Sourcing
Procurement and logistical services, configuration, lifecycle and circular services.
Winning Together for our People and our Planet
We take a responsible approach across our operations including our environmental impact, and we believe in delivering positive social impact within our communities, too.