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Photo of Jurgen Strijkers

Jurgen Strijkers

Managing Director, Belgium

Jurgen leads Computacenter’s Belgium business, and is accountable for all customer relationships and engagements in the country.

He joined Computacenter in 2001 to support the delivery of global contractual services for a customer in the financial services industry. He was then promoted to overall Service Manager, and in 2007, took responsibility of all Managed Services business for Computacenter Belgium and the Netherlands. He was appointed as Country Unit Director for Belgium and the Netherlands in 2015. Among other business qualifications, he holds an MBA from the University of Bradford.

Photo of Philip Millet

Philip Millet

Sales Director

Philip leads the sales and marketing teams in Belgium. He joined Computacenter in 2008 as a Unified IP Communications Manager and later became Head of Professional Services. In March 2016 he took the role of Client Director and became Sales Director in 2017.

Photo of Christian Merckx

Christian Merckx

Workplace Solutions Business Unit Manager

Christian manages the Workplace Solutions Business Unit, leading End User Computing solutions including Licensing and Printing. He joined Computacenter Belgium in 1999 and since then has held several different roles in Senior Management as Sales Manager and Business Unit Manager. Christian graduated from the Solvay Business School at the Université Libre de Bruxelles and started his career as commercial agent for a leasing company.

Photo of Gilles De Munck

Gilles De Munck

Finance Manager

Gilles’ financial responsibilities include accounting, financial and business reporting. He joined Computacenter in 2016, firstly helping the Belgian business move to the Group ERP and align to group accounting standards. He then went on to implement Group best practices for financial and business reporting. Since 2019 he has been involved in supporting the ERP implementations in several other Group entities. He holds a master’s degree in Management Sciences from the Solvay Business School.

Photo of Elke Binst

Elke Binst

Business Support Manager

Elke is responsible for Business Support and is also the assistant of Jurgen Strijkers and Lieven Bergmans. She has been with Computacenter since 1999 and supported the company’s growth and development since then.

Photo of Veronique De Pues

Veronique De Pues

Human Resources Manager

Veronique is responsible for developing and implementing people-related initiatives and projects for the Belgium Country Unit.  She joined Computacenter at the end of 2016 to become HR Manager and has broad experience and expertise in HR, having consulted in diverse environments such as Pharma, Legal & Audit, Consultancy and Technology.

Dies sind die Länder, in denen wir an Kunden verkaufen. Bitte wählen Sie das Land aus, das Sie sehen möchten:

Board of Directors

Verantwortlich für das Management und die Performance der Gruppe.
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Group Executive

Oberste Managementebene für alle operativen Bereiche der Gruppe.
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Dit zijn de landen waar we aan klanten verkopen. Klik op het land waarvan u het management wilt bekijken:

Board of Directors

Doeltreffend leidinggeven aan het management en de prestaties van de groep.
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Group Executive

Leiderschap van topniveau voor onze operations binnen de groep.
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These are the countries in which we sell to customers. Please select the country you would like to see:

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Board of Directors

Providing effective leadership for the Group's management and performance.
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Group Executive

High level leadership for our operations across the Group.
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Ce sont les pays dans lesquels nous vendons aux clients. Veuillez sélectionner le pays que vous souhaitez voir :

Conseil d’administration

Assurer un leadership efficace pour la gestion et les performances du groupe
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Équipe dirigeante du groupe

Un leadership de haut niveau pour les opérations de l'ensemble du groupe.
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